Joined In Dec 2020
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Mike is the real deal. A man of his word. Someone how takes risks to help others. A giver. A lover of people. Thank God for men like Mike Morisi!
He is a gifted evangelist!
Pastor Miguel Dabul is a man of prayer who has pioneered 24/7 prayer and worship with this ministry with the help of many other churches and Christians. He has now moved his meetings to GO Church where he meets in the evenings on Monday and Friday. Pray for him and his tteam to continue! Many blessings are coming to our region becasue of their faithful prayers.
We have been friends for many years. His personal and professional background makes him over-qualified to help someone struggling with lust, porn, sex issues. He is someone you can trust and he has been where many men have been—trapped in lust issues for years. But the Lord set him free and healed his marriage. That's the kind of coach you need to beat the chains of sexual bondage.
No one does more for the homeless in Chesapeake than this group as far as I know!