Join Dr. Hanisha every Sunday evening on Current FM for "Revival On the Air." We will be proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ each week through our words, deeds […]
Longests Running Monday Missions Fellowship in Virginia Beach! For almost 30 years, this Missions group has met each Monday morning at 7 AM to hear missionaries share inspiring stories, important […]
The Well Coffee House will be hosting informative talks by experts of the field on many diverse and relevant topics (Biblical worldview, political awareness, social issues etc.) that affect our […]
Open Studio: Expressive Arts for Veterans/Veterans Project (Spring 2025) An initiative of the Arts for Optimal Health program and Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences Counseling & Art Therapy […]
Christian Embassy International is back with Rescue Hampton Roads (February 22) to equip the saints for God’s great commission. Come join them at these times: Evangelism and prophetic training : […]
America Pray Now is the multi-year, multi-state, interdenominational prayer campaign originating from one church in Richmond, VA, whose generosity allows them to sponsor a free dinner to precede the monthly […]
Virginia, Pray Now invites you to join them every fourth Wednesday of the month at 12 noon on Zoom. Every prayer counts, and where two or more are gathered together […]
As the 2025 Virginia General Assembly comes to a close, the Church Ambassador Network and Family Foundation are gearing up to visit pastors across the state for our "A Biblical Review of […]
Come and share your suggestions/concerns with the VB City Council!
More information coming soon at this link.
The Jamestown settlers would not have survived here without the aid of our Virginia tribes. They hosted us here before they realized we came to take their lands from them by trickery and force just as Spain and Portugal were already doing in South America. Out of that tragic beginning, God has brought the Gospel to all of our Virginia Tribes but there is still much need for healing between them and we the immigrants how came here to settle in their former lands. Let's honor these tribes and build friendships that encourage and nurture them--as our forefathers should have long ago.
Lott Cary Lott Cary was the first African-American missionary to Africa. He was responsible for the missionary movement that created a growing interest among African-Americans in the evangelization of Africa, […]